Friday, May 2, 2014

St. Martin / St. Maarten

We've been laying low... relaxing, while we wait for our son, Curtis. He's flying in for a visit with us before he enters the "work world." He's graduated from University of Guelph's engineering program, and starts with an engineering firm in Oakville at the end of May. He'll be joining us May 5-14.  So, we've been doing a little reconnasaince .... checking out the various snorkeling locations, and hunting down the cheep beer / food establishments :)  

We've seen some weird, and some wonderful ....

one resorts' playland?
(notice Captain Kirk on the bow)

a tight squeeze through the Simpson's Bay Lagoon bridge

who knew? - iguanas swim!

Friars Bay Beach anchorage

the Pirate Grill

fetching coconuts ... Gil prefers to wait until they're on the ground

mega sailboats

mega props

mega sail

then there's us 
(we're riding high .... the beer and wine stocks are depleted)

Gil servicing the stereo, post leak

 water's edge on the lagoon side

another sunset

It's been a long time since I've posted bloopers, but we still find them....


  1. Wow, so much for smooth sailing on that last leg! Hope things are better once the beer and wine inventory is restored.

  2. Have a great time with Curtis - will be nice for you to have a little family time.
