Thursday, September 26, 2013

Southward to the Potomac River

Waterman's Museum at Rock Hall (Swan Creek)

Gil & I have decided to get moving south to the Potomac River, so we can head north up it, to visit with my sister Margaret in Alexandria, Virginia. It's a good distance to get to ... at least 80 mi. to the Potomac, and another 100? mi. up it to my sister's. So, we'll not be seeing Jorge & Kim until the Annapolis Boat Show.  Separate vacations - wierd! We've travelled together all this time, and they're like family. We'll miss them.

We reprovisioned and left Swan's Creek (above at sunset) ....  'through the Kent Narrows draw bridge, and anchored just east of Kent Island in Kirwin Creek off Prospect Bay; yet another peaceful and picturesque spot.

Kent Narrows draw bridge

1 comment:

  1. What a great decison to go up the Potomac.Lots of anchorages and feels remote until you hit Alexandria.Anchor opposite the Capitol Yacht club in DC & get a membership.There is a good cruise guide if you can find it . Splash Gordon
