Friday, September 27, 2013

Chrysaora Quinquecirrhas!!

Those little crab nets that Jorge & Gil bought for $2 have been a great investment for the stories they’re creating. Though no crabs have found either net yet, Gil did pull up 2 clams on one occasion, and today he pulled up a chrysaora quinquecirrha! What’s that? This is what it is….

 Jellyfish! We were surrounded by them!

I came to find out its’ scientific name. Gil & I enjoy anchoring out vs. staying in harbours or marinas; and for that reason we sometimes need to shower either by going in for a swim, or having one onboard navy style.  I knew it would be a navy style shower for me, but Gil was considering a quick dip.
So, I googled them. They occur most abundantly in the tributaries of the middle Bay, where salinities range from 10-20 ppt, and temp’s between 70-86 degrees F. They are to be avoided.  NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) warns: “Check the Sea Nettle Forecast Before You Swim!” That’s right – forecast.  It’s updated hourly! Apparently, there’s even an app for it.
Anyway, I’m so happy now that we saw ourselves through the 2 days of grief getting our phone and data packages back in Oswego; as Gil chose the navy style shower too.

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