Sunday, August 24, 2014

Shared sundowners

We knew if we kicked around PSV & PM (Petite St. Vincent & Petite Martinique) long enough, that Jorge & Kim were bound to show up.  Alain & Sylviane and Mark & Natalie also joined us in the anchorage, and we all got together for sundowners on Starliner, Alain & Sylvaine's boat. Their home is in Cannes, France. Mark & Natalie's first language is also french, as they live on Martinique. Gil got to practice his first language (french) while sipping on Sylvaine's rum tea - so good I didn't drink any of the wine we had brought! 

1 comment:

  1. What is the recipe for rum tea? Sounds good. Will your friend share.
    The leaves are starting to turn colour and we are thinking of pulling the big boat out next week. We booked a trip to Paris France and then on to London for a few days--hopefully Katie will have her baby before we leave.
