Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stay with me, internet

Hopefully, our internet connectivity stays with us today, to post a few pics…

This was the first of several bridges on the C&D Canal.  It never looks good from our perspective at the wheel!

The C&D Canal is very wide and built for the big ships. I think we need bigger boats. That’s CS’ta Time and she’s 10+ ft. taller and 4 ft. longer than our Serenada!

Our first morning on the Cheasapeake (at anchor on the Bohemia River), we woke up to pea soup fog.

Our second anchorage (Still Pond) was tranquil and Gil spotted this deer on shore, while I was napping L.

Later, the skies opened up, and crazy me just had to put all that free fresh water to good use, and wash the salt off the boat. This life aboard does include chores too :-P 

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