Monday, September 30, 2013

Reached the mouth of the Potomac River

Feeling ambitious & hoping to make the Potomac River, we were up with the sunrise (yesterday – Sunday, Sept.30th). Though it was a beautiful warm, sunny day; the winds were fickle. We set out sailing, then motor-sailed, then motored, then back to motor-sailing, then sailing again. 

Point No Point Lighthouse

We saw this tall ship and speculated that it was a ferry as it had a huge drawbridge on its’ backside,  and this lone lighthouse. Had to get out the fly swatter, as we encountered 'biting' flies. We came across those ‘boiling fish’ spots again, and stopped to try our luck at fishing; but only managed to lose another lure L

We did, however, reach the Potomac’s mouth J. Dodging more fish weirs and crab pots, we came into Smith Creek to anchor … had a sundowner …. Skyped with Curtis … another good day.

1 comment:

  1. wow! Just caught up on your blogs. Didn't realise I'd missed so much. Now I'm exhausted from all this activity :-)
    Enjoy the Potomac and the visit with your sister. And, keep bloging. It's fun and I'm loving your pictures.
