Friday, March 27, 2015

More of Antigua

Serenada in Hermitage Bay, Five Islands

We've been to a few more of Antigua's anchorages. Since Five Islands, we've also visited Jolly Harbour, Deep Bay and Jumby Bay.

one of several deserted, pristine white sand beaches in Five Islands Bay

'and another

'and another!

our neighbour at Hermitage Bay, Five Islands

Jolly Harbour was visited mainly to reprovision and fill up with fuel and water. We saw a very big fish there...

riding on skies (like a giant water-cross skidoo!)

Deep Bay is also on Antigua's west coast, just north of Jolly Harbour and Five Islands, and south of St. John's, Antigua's capital. 

one of many cruise ships coming & going from St. John's, Antigua
(seen from Deep Bay)

In the center of Deep Bay lies the wreck of the Andes, a 3-mast ship which burnt and sank here in 1905. One of its masts breaks the surface, as it sank in only 30' of water. Corals, gorgonians and sponges have taken hold of its steel hull, and reef fish have moved in.

the bow of the Andes

an anchor?

home to reef fish

anchor chain portal at the bow

mast base

ooh ... a porkfish

The island of Nevis can be seen from Antigua, and from Deep Bay the setting sun over Nevis made it appear as if it was having a volcanic eruption!

the sunset over Nevis

We sailed from Deep Bay, along Antigua's north coast to Jumby Bay on Long Island. The exclusive Jumby Bay Resort is here, and we're anchored in front of it. By cooking our own meals we are saving $1350 USD per night! The colour of the water is amazing; as is their internet :)

Serenada at anchor in front of Jumby Bay Island Resort

see the beach umbrellas?
(a little island we passed en route to Jumby Bay)

water slide and water trampolines

a big oopsy

At night, there were great tunes coming from the Jumby Bay Resort, and they were followed by fireworks! I was taken by surprise, and in the dark with no time anyway, I didn't change my camera settings, so the pics aren't the best, but good enough....

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