Wednesday, October 22, 2014

It's Going to be Hard to Leave Grenada

The fun just continues .... it's going to be hard to leave this place.

Since our last blog, there's been Friday night Fish 'N Chips at Taffy's Bar & Grill with Jorge & Kim, Gwen & Guilloume, Joe & Gregg, and Gregg. Very yummy.

Saturday, Gil & I went into St. Georges to run a few errands. While there, we dropped in on Jorge & Kim and over stayed our visit, as the heavens opened up when we were sitting in their cockpit!

Sunday saw the wrap-up to the Volleyball Tournament. The teams were well matched and it made for some great plays.

 volleyball fans in the sweltering heat

1st (Dock Rats) & 2nd (3 1/2 Men) place teams

Le Phare Bleu Resort hosted another dinghy concert on Sunday....

... and this was followed with the regular Sunday gathering at Hog Island Beach.

Monday we joined Joe & Greg and Gwen & Guilloume for a beach day at Grand Anse. We walked past a new micro brewery with several drafts on tap, and though they weren't officially opened yet, the owner shared samples of each of his brews! We returned a couple of days later for his opening night.

how apropos 

Tuesday we attempted to improve our score at Trivia Night, and though our score was improved, I don't believe our relative standing was. We're not smarter than fifth graders.

There are cruisers here from Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and so many other places.  As the storm season comes to an end, some will go north to the other Caribbean islands, some will go west toward the Pacific, some will go east across the Atlantic....  Grenada is a dividing point. We'll be saying good-bye's, and that'll be sad; though we'll cross paths again with some. That's the cruising life.

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